
CenterAlignmentedLinearLedLight 3000 beta (CALLL)

Hello, and again welcome, as U remmember or not, i dod one of those long time ago, using two second class laser diodes.. and its working till now. but i decided it is too heavy and too big.

So I created a second generation of this item.
It is beta again. Becouse i don't have well aligned parts that can fit perfectly.. Well let's see :
(oh if u don't know what is it for- it is a light painting tool - photo-technique xD google it')
there we go, a canister for three 1.5V batteries..

a part from scanner:  most important part, propably it is made from plastic that conduce light and on the back of it its precisly cutted from up to down.. i am sure u can scavange those from fax scaners etc.. u can try to make one by yourself if u have plastic sticks and some good precision skills in cutting edges of those..
It's I dont know maybe 15cm? 20?
those are these  little rows on it . .
disasemble the battery slot on the other side to get some space.. 
So it looks like This
Now reassemble the wires (becouse Stock Done is ... not done well.. Also cut + wire ( its reversed sorry i misplaced colors) for the switch..
Switch from CDrom - very useful and Working , (becouse pivot switches are ALWAYS working )
I was so lazy that i used already pined cables ^
Now checking if everything is fitting well ..
Oh and almost forget- i attached a LED that can survive 4.4V wothout brurning out..
Becouse as U know some battery producers are giving instead of 1.5V stronger 2.2V (and that is STUPID thanks for BURNING a lot of my equipment.....damn)
I attached some shielding so the light will not spread everywhere, its important that it will go just one way - linear..
Oh  to get a rubbers -  i scavage a CDrom again - a little bumpers will be always there somewhere
Nice its almost fitting.. it will need some glue to fit better..
Some hot glue..
and again glue it all together..
Then paint a little with black acrylic paint..  and its done ..
Working, just perfect ; )
Now the paint need to dry and it will be ready to go.

i am sure there are numbers of ways to made it , but this is one of them ,
the light is strong, it can be stronger even - if u will use a laser diode, wchich i cannot use becouse Batteries in my country is propably ampered up, and it will burn everything else that cannot survive 4.4V ;/  u can use a old batteries and it will be just great, but remmember that somebody or even u can one day place in new batteries and what will happen? ;/ alternative way is to use a acc they have 1.6 - 1.2 V each so it would be better..

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