
old type aperture fix

Hello, this time i repaired an old lens.. and droppped some useless(for me) parts,
.. first I opened lens to get to mechanizm..
here is part that was working unproper ;/ 
here is -hole- with (in the middle)space for - puti nside - a thing to move aperture
but first i must did some spare joint-part for other side of mechanizm, I used some 250Vwire..
secure it with other wire 
and "weld" 
then did some extra grind to mke it smooth
working pretty nice ^ ^ 
ok now i stoled a part  from other side of lens, where it was useless(for me)
form AAmechanizm wchich i am not using ..
i putted it onto rolling whell inside there..and 
realized that it ned some modification to reach a -hole- up inside aperture mech.
i tooked some white paint to highlight place where to drill
then i drilled some holes .. 
found some screws.. rlly nice ones
and fitted them and then for any case i used some superGlue between joints 
then put all together..
so it is looking like THIS ! : ) 
and guess what? its working, not so smooth becouse i didny cleaned well lens inside after drill.. maybe next time ;p

Just another fact, about - there is always a way !   : ) 

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