
there was

some of mine tries before.. now I made some better filter system.. I can make better even, but for now I don't have enough parts.. I am also working on hig-low pass filters.. but to get to the point :
I make Sh Ex system , its based on darkening exposure so the time of ex will be expanded to hours.. this is hour exposure in night, using custom WB:

Actually It IS a Hour of exposure, And as U can see, It's almost enought. The ISO is 100 the aperture is..  2147483648,00 EV (f/inf) ! AAAAwsome

My ShEx filter is using two melted tech that I invented before ;p they are mechanical and optical  filters merged together and working as one..

there will be more but .. after hour of exposure my camera running on two akk in grip, is just dying ;/ damn it digitalized medias.. power ..consuming stuff ;/   so next photo is about 12sec at rising sun

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