

 thanks to aperture science research group we found a new way of obtaining audio cd's

tha Host mark I is a stand alone CD player,
the upper part is not operational becouse of some experimental progress it is  still there but soon would be replaced 

However it is also a power supply unit for some plugins like :

air and fumes cleaner vac.
if u wonna light up a led on 12V output u need at least 500Ohmz resistor

a human friendly white light that is providing avoiding any obsticles on tha way in lab
this white super bright tube is from LCD backlight recycled laptop

also two another cold cathods connected to inverter,

and in future it will power a LaserUnit , wchich is now under construction

also there will be audio speakers with amplifier connected to analog output ,

however during wear level of cd player rom audio is osmetimes laggy,
still searching for old types od cd roms that are working , somehow,
. . in progress..

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